In the age of the internet we have the ability to interact with people from everywhere and sometimes those interactions turn into a relationship. Long distance relationships can get quite challenging and put a strain on both people involved. Even if you have the money to fly out every weekend schedules and just life can get in the way of that. Talking, texting and video calling can begin to get frustrating due to time differences and let's not forget needing to have your phone in your hand. Because we all know too many unanswered calls/texts could possibly result in an unhappy partner feeling some type of way.
In the beginning it's always easy to be attentive to your new partners calls and text messages, because it's new. When we get into a new relationship our bodies release certain hormones that help us feel lust, attraction, and even help us with forming an attachment. After awhile most couples find it challenging to stay at that same euphoric place they were once at in the beginning. This is especially hard for couples who are long distance. Not being able to get in a car or on a train to be with your significant other is very hard when it's an anniversary, birthday, holiday, or just the perfect night to cuddle up after a long day and you can't because of the distance. That's why being able to come up with ways to better the situation until the next time your in their arms is really important. We have came up with a few tips in order to help with exactly that.
Talking on the phone and texting is only one way to communicate, there are so many other things to consider when it comes to communication in a long distance relationship. For example, if you have a video call set up and your not available when they call. A situation like that could result in an unnecessary argument. Yes, we all know life happens and sometimes you can't relay all schedule changes. But if it becomes consistent you might need to communicate with your partner about changing the time the calls are set up for. One major thing that people in long distance relationships need to communicate is if something isn't working. If there is too little or even too much communication, if it's not working let your partner know. This also goes if you want to try something new, communicate it clearly and directly. Making sure you all are on the same page is very important. Since your long distance it's easy to get distracted with trying to catch up with just about everything!!
Catching up in a long distance relationship can easily turn into hours and hours of phone conversations. Since you just can't stop by after work finding new ways or even old ways to communicate is something you should try incorporating into your relationship. Trying out some old school ways of communication is always a great place to start. Sending a letter is a slow way of communicating, but it does show your partner that you took time to write or type something out and send it off. It's great to receive stuff in the mail that's unexpected, especially if it's been a rough week for you the both of you. Your partner may feel inclined to reply to your letter, this could be the start of a new way of communicating on top of your phone calls, texts, etc. Another way to try to fit more communication in is also to start an email thread. Yes, it seems like why would you do that, but it depends on your situation. If you or your partner or both of you guys do a lot of work on the computer or phone checking your email is probably just a natural thing to do. Just like the physical mail, we all enjoy getting good unexpected emails. No, emailing isn't a great way as your main source of communication, but as an added addition to the others it is. Probably wondering why email and not just send a quick text. Well, with a text your probably expecting a somewhat instant response. Not with an email, you know it'll take some time and honestly you don't want it to evolve into full serious conversation. Plus, email was setup for communication, not to just receive coupons and work emails.
Finding Things To-Do Together, Apart
This is probably one of the trickiest things to do, if your long distance or not. But being long distance, if it doesn't work you have to think of other things. You can't just go back to date-night in every second Friday of each month. It might take a little thinking outside of the box to accomplish this, but it's doable.
When video calling try incorporating other things other than just talking. If you guys are into cooking, find a recipe you both have ingredients for, make it and eat it together. Have your conversation over the same dinner and still show your partner your cooking techniques all while being long distance. Cooking may not be something enjoyable, so ordering the same type of is also a way to experience dinner together. Of course, there is more to long distance relationships than eating dinner together. Just like any other relationship, after a certain amount of time you begin to introduce them to people. Introducing your partner to friends is a good start, especially if visiting is on the to-do list. It's just a way to lesson the awkwardness. It'll already be a lot of questions about the long distance thing already. Also, don't just spring this on your partner last minute, let them know in enough time. Lastly, it's all up to you on when, if and who you decide to introduce to your partner to.
On the other hand if you and your partner are looking for more ways to enhance your intimacy besides phone sex, you all could try some Bluetooth capable sex toys. You both can connect to one another's toy to join in on the fun!! No, it's not the real thing, but it is a way for you and your partner to engage and experience new things together. Which is every relationships goal, so a long distance relationship is no different.
Your Relationship, Your Decisions
Being in a long distance relationship we are sure you are hearing a lot of outside suggestions about how to handle your relationship but only you and your partner knows what your relationship needs. If something works for one couple, may not work for you and your partner and vice versa. It's always a good idea to communicate with your partner what you expect from the relationship whether it's long distance or not. Nobody grows up with the hopes that they find someone hundreds or even thousands miles away and fall in love or have the potential to fall in love with, but it happens. It's a process just like every other relationship and when both people are committed to putting in the work to making it thrive, the results should be a beautiful, healthy, blossoming relationship.
Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!