A Date With Destiny-Choosing Your First Sex Toy

A Date With Destiny-Choosing Your First Sex Toy

So your looking for your first sex toy, first off let's just say congrats!! Buying a new sex toy is a lot more complicated than you probably expected. That's why you've stumbled across this article, AFTER going to a few websites ready to buy, or so you thought.

Let's put your mind at rest and say that it's normal to become overwhelmed with the thousands of products out there telling you the same thing. That they can get you to the highest of heights like you've never experienced before. Which could be true, but there's a trick you have to know what you like or what you might like before you buy. But how are you suppose to know what your looking for if you've never purchased a sex toy before? There are a few things to check off your list when entering into the wonderful world of adult toys. Here are some of a few some of us have found helpful when purchasing our first and even now when in the market for another.


Budget- Your budget is pretty important when it comes to purchasing just about anything and a sex toy isn't any different. You don't want to find this amazing toy that checks off all the boxes plus more then you scroll down and it's waaaay out of your price range. Then your back to the drawing board, probably feeling a little bummed. So, to avoid getting your feelings hurt, set a budget, keep in mind, more money doesn't always mean more pleasure. A good thing to do is filter by price before getting started, so that way the top results are going to be something that fits your price range. If you have no budget, awesome, but you still have to figure out what your looking for. 


Internal or External- If you identify as male there are two options for internal use; either an anal plug or prostate massager. Although both are used is the anal area a prostate massager is made specifically for the male anatomy to hit the p-spot. Other toys geared towards men are for external use like a masturbator, a cockring, and a penis pump. There are plenty of sex toys with men in mind, you just have to know what type of stimulation your looking for. Depending on the type of stimulation your looking for as a female there are multiple options for women for internal and external use. Just like men, women have toys solely with women in mind. For example a clit stimulator and anything with g-spot (great for achieving vaginal orgasms') in the name or description is for female anatomy. Kegel exercisers are also made specifically for women to tone and tighten the Kegel muscles, which has a lot of benefits in it's own. There are also toys marketed towards women, but men can also use them as well, wand massagers. Not only are they good for sexual pleasure, but also great for massages on your neck, back and even the bottom of your foot!! Anal toys are also an option for both male and female if your in the mood for some anal play. Of course if your new to anal grab PLENTY of lubricant and even an anal education kit!! If your looking for something with a little more variety in length, width, color, textures a dildo/dong is a great option. For a women you could use a dildo or a dong either vaginally or anally. (of course no double dipping) For a male using a dildo/dong anally is where you would insert them. 


Motion or No Motion- Where you want the stimulation is pretty easy to think of, but what type of stimulation you want your toy to have can get pretty overwhelming, or if you want any at all. But if your looking to kick it up a notch and maybe get something that may test your limits and not have you get tired from doing all the work, getting something that vibrates is something to look into. Don't worry most sex toys that vibrate come with buttons to be able to control either how much or how little vibration you want. Some toys even let you know if you're going to feel more of a vibration feeling or a rumble sensation. Another description to look out for is if the item is either rotating or thrusting. Rotating toys do exactly that, which ever the moveable piece, it will rotate. On the other hand a thrusting motion is going to be more of a realistic motion, in and out. Yes, this is a lot to take in, especially since this is probably your very first sex toy. Luckily, the internet is here and available to you to do some research. 


Research, Research, & Research- We can't stress this enough, RESEARCH!! Make sure you have some type of idea of what your getting ready to spend your money on. Don't just buy something because it's the new hottest sex toy on the market. It may be a great product, but just not good for you. Another great tip when your making your list, is to research different materials. Some materials aren't compatible with certain types of lubricants and all sex toys need to be cleaned and stored properly. Also if you're more of a visual/hearing person and need more than website descriptions, YouTube is your friend my dear. There are TONS of sex toy review channels!! When doing your searches go to the top of your page and click on videos and whatever your search is will give you related videos instead, or go directly to YouTube and begin your search. Type whatever pops into your mind, purchasing a sex toy isn't something you just to jump right into. This is something you actually want to last for awhile, unless it says disposable on the packaging. 


Test & Review- Now this is probably the best part, unboxing and getting to the action and seeing if sex toys are as great as people say they are. But first read the user manual, there is some pretty important information in there. Including; how long a full charge lasts, how long to charge, which lubricants are/aren't compatible, how to use, and even how to clean and store. Now that all of that is out of the way, it's now time to test your new friend. When going into explorer mode, keep in mind that you may not get the orgasm your looking for on the first try. It could take a couple of sessions to get the hang of it, how to hold, where the controls are (don't want to increase when you want to decrease), get used to something besides a penis inside of you, and even seeing which mode you like the most. After testing, leaving a review of the toy on the website you purchased form is always great. This way anybody new to sex toys may come across your review and find it helpful, whether you liked it or not. The most important thing to remember is to have fun is every part of the process of your purchase, yes even the research portion. 


Hopefully this article helps by pointing you in the correct direction or reassure that you're on the right path. 


Enjoy & Be Safe!!










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